
How to get Your Own Blog For Free

This article is going to show you how to make your own website even if you don’t have money for things like a domain name or web hosting.
Best of all, you get to feed off the high PR of the word press domain which is highly favored in Google.

We’ll even cover making your first post so that you know exactly how to start posing all of the articles you get in your membership each month.

The service we’re talking about is Word Press and you can access it by going to…

To claim your free blog, simply click on the blue “Sign up Now!” button which will bring you to a registration page which you’ll then fill out with your own information like follows…


Once you’re done filling in your details, click on the next tab, which will take you to this page…

You can change your blog’s domain as well as the title that will appear at the top of your visitor’s browser by simply editing the text fields.  Once you have the settings set to your preferences, click on the “Signup” button at the bottom of the page, which will bring you to the registration success page, which looks like this…

Obviously enter your details into the first and last name field.  I do also recommend putting a 2-4 sentence blurb about yourself in the about yourself field.  Once you do this, click on “Save Profile” and then go check your e-mail for your confirmation link.

You will have to click on this link in order to activate and verify your request to setup a blog on

Here’s what my confirmation e-mail looked like…

Simply click on the confirmation link to activate your blog, which will bring you to a confirmation page that looks like this…

Continued on next page…

Your account is now active.  To log in, simply go to the main page and enter your login details like you see below…

Click on login.

Side Note:  You can have more than one blog with a single Word Press username.  You don’t have to signup for a new account each time that you want to setup a new blog.  This also means that you can manage your ever growing blog empire from the convenience of one simple management console which makes things much easier.

The next step is to click on the link in the upper left of the screen for your new blog, which will load that blogs administration area which looks like this…

This area is where you will manage, edit and customize your blog.  For the purposes of this tutorial, we aren’t going to go into the customization settings because we’ve included instructional videos for that.

The purpose here is to get your first post live online so that you can start getting search engine traffic as fast as possible.

To start creating a post click on the “Write” link at the upper left of your screen, which will load the “Write Post” page, which looks like this…

All you have to do is copy and paste the title from the piece of blog content that you want to post and paste it into the “Title” text box and then do the same with the actual content of the article, or the content body in the “Post” text box.

The next section that you see is the “Tags” section.  Here you are going to want to enter relevant keywords that are related to your articles.

For example, if you had an article on Cuban cigars, you would enter Cuban cigars, cigars, cohiba Cuban cigars, buy Cuban cigars.

Obviously your keywords will be different based on your subject matter but the point is to use some common sense and enter the keywords that you want to generate traffic from.

To do this, click on the “+ Add New Category” link in the categories section which will bring up the add categories box which looks like this…

Next simply enter your category name into the text box and click on the “Add” button, which will add your category to the list in the “All Categories” box, which will look like this…

By default, once your category is added, it is also automatically selected as the category for your post.

You’ll also want to remember that once you create a category, it will show up in the “All Categories” section in every post that you do so that you can simply check the box for the appropriate category.

That covers all of the data that we need to enter in order to post our first blog so the next step is to click on the “Publish” button, which is in the upper right of the page in the menu that looks like this…

Once you click the “Publish” button, you will see a notification box open on the page that looks like this…

That confirms that your post has been posted and you can click on the “View post” to view the post that you just published.

That’s all there is to it.  I recommend that you start posting all of your content from this month’s membership and setup a separate blog for each of your niches.

If you prefer, you can also setup a wordpress on your own website by grabbing a new domain name at and a hosting account with it.  Then just install WordePress on your domain!

To your success!